Sunday, October 18, 2009

Destino Has A New Friend!

Look what Destino got... A pony!

She is a little miniature mare that my Grandma had. She used to be a driving horse, but had an accident in the cart and is now un-useable for driving. She has been in with big horses most of her life, so we thought she would be able to hold her own with bossy old Destino and so far so good! I think it works great that she is a mare. He thinks she is wonderful. Unless I'm out there then he spends his time keeping her away from me. But he isn't too mean, just a bit bossy, so I think it will work out well. It's a win-win for both Destino and AnnaBelle =)

I"ll get better pictures soon. I didn't think about it until this evening and got these through the window =) But they look content don't they?

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